Symptoms caused by inadequate concentrations of serotonin or dopamine can either overlap with or be indistinguishable from disease symptoms.
Hinz Medical Foods are for the management of inadequate concentrations of serotonin (hyposerotonergicTM conditions), dopamine (hypodopaminergicTM conditions), or glutathione (hypoglutathionemiaTM conditions).
The protocol link below is the “HyposerotoninergicTM / HypodopaminergicTM condition (low serotonin) starting point protocol.” This is the starting point for all patients with symptoms caused by low concentrations of serotonin, dopamine, or glutathione; the exception is the Hypodopaminergic conditions protocol found on the protocol link above is required as the starting point for the management of Hypodopaminergic (low dopamine) condition symptoms as found in Parkinson’s disease or restless leg syndrome (RLS).
We refer to the Hyposerotoninergic / Hypodopaminergic condition protocol below. If symptoms are still present on level 3, one test (urinary serotonin and dopamine) is required to determine if continuing the serotonin or dopamine protocol is required. Testing on level 1 or level 2 is not associated with the accuracy of testing on level 3 in determining if the patient needs to continue the serotonin or dopamine protocol. See the “lab basis” link above.
For the management of symptoms caused by low concentrations of serotonin, dopamine, or glutathione
(Hyposerotonergic, Hypodopaminergic, or Hypoglutathionemia conditions on an optimally modified normal diet)

HyposerotoninergicTM / HypodopaminergicTM Condition Starting PointTM Protocol
Figure 1: If symptoms have resolved completely after seven days on any level, do not increase to the next level, do not order testing. Increase to the next level if symptoms are still present after seven days. Order lab testing after seven days on level 3 if symptoms are still present. Lab testing determines if the serotonin or dopamine protocol is required. Dosing levels 1-3 do not require lab testing. Do not increase to level 4 through level 9 or switch to the dopamine protocol without first obtaining a serotonin and dopamine assay.
NeuroReserach Centers, Inc.
PO Box 218
Saginaw, MN 55779